A new label is trying to hatch. Little Lost Records has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the release of the labels first album by TJ and the Revenge. The album features highly regarded musicians Bill Frisell, Simon Willson, Dor Herskovits, and the man forming the label, vocalist, piano player and songwriter Elan Mehler.
From the Kickstarter: “Ever since I was a small child listening to my sister’s Dead Milkmen cassettes, I had a dream. That some day, some brilliant group of people would teach our computers to talk to our phones and vice versa and I would be able to use this network of computer-phones to ask strangers for money.
The musicians speak for themselves, Bill Frisell, Simón Willson, Dor Herskovits recorded on every track and a whole mess of guests in there from Jason Palmer, Michael Blake, Andre Abenante, Jeff Cox, Paul Melhus and Eric Stilwel. It was a delight to record at the legendary studio East Side Sound with the great grammy-winning engineer Marc Urselli (Lou Reed, Keith Richards, John Zorn, Nick Cave and all the great artists who record for Newvelle Records). I also got to work with acclaimed engineer Duff Harris because Marc took a last minute gig to go record U2. Andy Plaisted recorded the horns. He’s good too. Alex Deturk did the digital mastering, and he’ll do the cutting of the record as well on the Master Disc lathe and we’re planning on pressing at Quality Pressing in Kansas which is the best.”
If the project is funded, the album will be released on 180gram vinyl.
Check out the Kickstarter now to hear tracks from the album and see the project introduction video.